Dear San Joaquin Valley SB 375 Allies:


Thank you for participating in our intra-regional brainstorming session in Fresno on September 4th. This was a great opportunity to share and identify the regional challenges of SB 375 implementation, and to identify opportunities for state legislative and administrative advocacy.  We will be in contact with you soon to share the notes from that discussion and get additional feedback.


As you may recall, we and our partners (Physicians for Social Responsibility-LA, PolicyLink and Urban Habitat) have facilitated similar conversations with SB 375 equity advocates in the other major regions of the state (SCAG region, San Diego, Bay Area and Sacramento) and now is the time to bring us all together from across California for an initial discussion of common themes for this exciting effort to build on the initial regional discussions and create an equity-first vision for state policy change on SB 375


That first inter-regional convening of SB 375 leaders will be via a Webinar discussion on Wednesday, December 10th from 3-5PM.  We will share our findings from the regional meetings, and begin to identify policy responses to priority issues and ideas. Your participation in this Webinar is critical to developing a state policy platform that will ensure more equitable outcomes for all of our communities.


Please confirm your participation by Monday, November 10th by replying to this email.


Thank you,


Veronica Garibay and Phoebe Seaton, Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability

Jonathan Malagon and Chione Flegal, PolicyLink 

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