
In Kern the education system supports every student and their family in being successful, healthy, and accessing career or college/university programs.

  • Broader understanding of the connection between health equity, education, and academic achievement
  • Comprehensive Supports: increase access to health and social services for students and their families; sex education curriculum that meets or exceeds State standards
  • Local youth and adult residents occupy positions of influence and authority (School Wellness Committees, DLAC, etc.)
  • Residents, community groups, and education leaders partner under a shared vision of healthy school environments
  • School Climate: institutionalize non-punitive school discipline practices; full implementation of culturally rooted trauma-informed interventions; equitable LCFF implementation; Positive Behavior & Intervention Support implemented
  • School Wellness: increased access and availability of quality school meals; elimination of unhealthy and sugary beverages; access to clean drinking water; enforced State mandated minutes for physical education

How will South Kern be different
when we achieve our goals?

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Education Snapshot

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