About the Workshop
The next opportunity to fund a Safe Routes to School or active transportation project is fast approaching! The Active Transportation Program makes $180 million in state funds available across the state for walking and biking infrastructure, planning, or education programs.
Come and learn about tools and resources key to preparing a successful project application for the March call for projects!
Workshop topics include:
Application timeline overview
Program guidelines, sample ap-plication questions and scoring
Best practices on gathering data
Tips and tools for a successful plan, project, or program application
Participants will be provided with a “toolkit” with FAQs. Local groups will also present successful SRTS projects in their community.
Collaboration is critical for a com-petitive application, participants will have time to collaborate with other stakeholders from the same jurisdiction about their ideas and plans
For further information on where to register for free workshops, please see flyer SRTS-ATP Workshop Flyer