The public is invited to offer its ideas or concerns on Kern Council of Governments’ (Kern COG) proposed Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) methodology, which distributes existing and projected housing needs over the next decade to the 11 incorporated cities and the unincorporated county. The RHNA methodology can be viewed on the Kern COG website at

Organization: Kern Council of

What: 60-day Public Comment
Period for Proposed Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) methodology

When: Friday, April 19 to
Tuesday, June 18

Where: Kern County

The RHNA methodology will be part of the RHNA Plan, which requires local governments to be accountable for projected housing needs to accommodate forecasted population growth by providing sufficient and appropriately zoned land for development.

If adopted, the RHNA Plan will provide for different types of housing stock throughout the region over the next 10 years, with a share apportioned to each city and the unincorporated communities. The Plan will include shares of high-, medium-, low- and very low-income housing stock.

The public review and comment period is open for 60 days beginning Friday and ending on Tuesday, June 18. Comments are due by 5 p.m. June 18. A public hearing is scheduled to be held at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, May 16 during Kern COG’s regular Board meeting.

Kern COG will consider adopting the RHNA methodology on June 20. All meetings will be held at Kern COG’s offices, 1401 19th Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield, CA 93301.

additional information, contact:
Ahron Hakimi, Executive Director or Rochelle Invina, or (661) 861-2191


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