Thursday May 23, 2013 12:00pm to 1:00pm at the Kern County Public Health Services Department 1800 Mt. Vernon Avenue Bakersfield CA in the San Joaquin Room

Learn about:

  • Creating a Culture of health in your workplace
  • Key elements of successful worksite wellness programs
  • What othe companies in Kern County are doing to:  Improveing employee health, reducing healthcare cost, increasing the company’s bottom-line
  • Simple, low-cost way to get your Worksite Wellness program off to a good start

To register e-mail Ralph Lopez at

For questions or more information about the training call (661) 868-0425

CTA Healthy Employees Healthy Business





Come and join in on the celebration April 27th at the Greenfield Baseball Association on the corner of Cottonwood and Panama Road/Taft Highway. Registration will be at 7am and we’ll be walking/running at 7:30!


Acompáñenos en la 3ª  celebración anual el 27 de abril en el Campo de Beisbol de Greenfield ubicado en la esquina de Panama Rd y la Autopista 119 y vea como su cambio ha ayudado a crear un Sur de Kern mas Saludable. Registro será de 7:00-7:45. La carrera empieza a las 7:30

The USC Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE) seeks to hire young adult research associates to assist with the evaluation of BHC youth programs and disseminate evaluation results. This youth program evaluation aims to measure the impacts of BHC youth programs on the lives of youth participants and their communities. The evaluation will also provide timely feedback to BHC youth–serving groups on the strengths and areas of growth of their programming.

One young adult researcher per BHC site will be selected to help design and implement the youth program evaluation. This internship will provide research associates with basic training on survey questionnaire design and community action research.

Stipend: $1000, paid in four $250 installments

Time Commitment: Approximately 65 hours between May – November 2013

Applications deadline: April 22, interns will be selected by May 1

BHC Research Associate Internship Announcement 2013

● Aprenderá como mantener sano su corazón y también los de su familia.

● Encontrará distintas maneras de hacer más actividad física, comer de manera saludable para el corazón.

● Aprenderá cómo hablar con su familia y amigos sobre las enfermedades del corazón.

● Gozará de videos, juegos, dramatizaciones y otras actividades que hacen divertido el aprendizaje.

● Obtendrá material para llevar a su casa que puede compartir con otros.

Fecha: viernes 22 marzo, 2013     Hora:  9-11 a.m. ó de 6-8 p.m.  Lugar: Centro de Recursos León, 2000 Brundage Lane, Bakersfield, CA

Para cualquier duda por favor no dude en llamarme: Esther Stenger 661-330-2454.  El cupo es limitado para 15 personas ¡inscríbase ahora! El taller serà en español.

Taller Su Corazon su Vida

Anna Deveare Smith is known for her pioneering approach to theater through which she gathers stories from a broad range of people and translates those stories into compelling one-woman performances.  Her most recent production, “Let Me Down Easy,” centered on health care.  She talks about her creative process in this interview:


Anna’s new project will be about the school-to-prison pipeline, with a special focus on the overuse of harsh school discipline.   She will be conducting research for the production this summer in California, and is looking for two youth researchers (one from an urban area and one from a rural area) to be part of the process.  These positions are paid and will be for 4-6 weeks.


This is an extraordinary opportunity for youth to work with an artist whom Newsweek magazine called “the most exciting individual in American theater.”     A description of the opportunity is below.   Interested youth should complete this brief online application by March 11:


Please help spread the word through your youth networks!



Mary Lou


Two youth researchers, age 18-24, are needed to support all aspects of California research for the School-to-Prison Pipeline Project led by award-winning playwright, actress and educator Anna Deveare Smith.

Training will take place in late June. This position will be for the month of July with the possibility of extending into August. There will be some travel within California. Candidates must be able to travel via airplane and possess a driver’s license. This is a paid position.

Youth researchers will be responsible for supporting the following tasks:

* Advance work in communities where interviews will take place
* Investigating and pursuing new interview leads
* Archiving documents and interviews
* Administrative and clerical work
* General assistance to the rest of the research team

The ideal candidate will have these qualifications and personal qualities:

* Superior attention to detail
* Excellent interpersonal skills
* Highly organized
* Able to communicate professionally in e-mail, in telephone conversations and during in-person meetings
* Writing skills
* Promptness
* Resilience
* Ability to respond to criticism productively
* Energetic
* Compassionate
* Discreet

This position may be a particularly good fit for someone with:
A background or interest in journalism
First-hand experience with school discipline

We are looking for someone independent, motivated, and mature who is excited to bring a younger perspective to this project. We are seeking one youth researcher from an urban area and one from a rural area of California. This position will be an excellent opportunity for the right person.

Your application must be submitted online before Monday, March 11.



Mary Lou Fulton

Senior Program Manager

The California Endowment



Learn more at

The Economic Developmetn Work Group will be holding a meeting on February 27th, from 1-3.  The goal of the Economic Development Action Plan, as part of the BHC initiative funded by The California Endowment, is to create a vibrant and diverse economy in South Kern and to support opportunities for the region. The plan focuses on two “transformation” platforms based on heath and food and agriculture systems. We are very excited to report that this includes support for the new Kern County Food Policy Council being led by the Community Action Partnership of Kern, and the development of a health careers pipeline.

For more information or to rsvp, please contact, Applied Development Economics (916-448-2456).  Please rsvp by Feburary 26th

BHC South Kern Strategic Plan Implementation 2-2013

WE Connect was established by former California First Lady Maria Shriver in 2005 and is now run by The California Endowment. WE Connect empowers lower-income families to utilize resources that can help them lead healthier, more financially secure lives.

Todos sabemos que el lugar donde usted vive afecta a su salud-para mejor o para lo peor.

Si su comunidad ofrece alimentos sanos y de calidad, lugares seguros y limpios para jugar y mantenerse activos y, de excelente salud y los servicios de educación, entonces es probable que sean sanos y saludables. Pero, si mala calidad del aire, sustancial de la pobreza, las aceras deterioradas y los parques no, y tiendas que promueven el licor y la comida chatarra en lugar de alimentos nutritivos suena como su comunidad, entonces usted está en riesgo de ser poco saludable.

Construyendo Comunidades Saludables del Sur Kern tiene como objetivo resolver este problema.

The California Endowment se ha asociado con 14 comunidades en todo el estado para mejorar su desarrollo físico, social y económico de los entornos de promoción de la salud general de los niños y las familias para hoy y para que todo el mundo future.When en las bandas de la comunidad para lograr un cambio positivo, que puede construir un lugar donde los jóvenes es seguro, sano y listo para aprender-una donde todo el mundo quiere vivir. Aunque la creación de un verdadero cambio puede ser difícil, sabemos que trabajando juntos en un plan específico, formado y dirigido por nuestra comunidad puede hacer Kern Sur sano, próspero y sostenible!

Invitamos a todo el que vive, trabaja y juega en el Arvin, Lamont, Weedpatch y las comunidades de Greenfield a unirse a nosotros y la comunidad en general para establecer una mejor, más saludable del Sur Kern.

Llamamos a nuestras reuniones colectivas la mesa central. Juventud, organismos, organizaciones, empresas locales y todos los residentes del sur de Kern, están invitados a reunirse y tomar decisiones sobre cómo hacer sana Kern Sur una realidad.

Involúcrese en cualquier forma que pueda! Asista a los entrenamientos, reuniones de toda la comunidad y eventos, únete a un equipo de acción o centrarse en una estrategia específica (recreación, salud, medio ambiente, la educación o el desarrollo económico), y registrarse como un socio que se comprometan a la visión y las metas de construcción de comunidades saludables del Sur Kern.

Los residentes, organizaciones y empresas ubicadas en Arvin, Greenfield, Lamont y Weedpatch están trabajando juntos para crear comunidades saludables, donde nuestros hijos y todos nosotros, llevan una vida de productos sanos, seguros y fructíferos un fuerte apoyo para crecer y alcanzar nuestros sueños.