CSU Bakersfield’s Center for Social Justice and Building Healthy Communities South Kern hosted the Assembly Select Committee on the Status of Boys and Men of Color in California to understand the role health plays in achieving successful outcomes for Boys and Men of Color (BMOC). The select committee is chaired by Assembly Members Rob Bonta (D-Oakland) and Reginal Jones Sawyer (D-Los Angeles).
The hearing is part of series taking place across California to explore the challenges that Boys and Men of Color are facing and included a panel discussion with representatives from the Kern County Superintendent of Schools, Faith in Action Kern County, the Dolores Huerta Foundation, Garden Pathways, Valley Medical Group and CSUB.
Some of the topics discussed included: suspensions and expulsions, equity in schools and jobs.
The panelist offered ideas as to how to improve outcomes for Boys and Men of Color such as increase funding for early childhood programs, implementing alternative discipline practices in schools and establishing restorative programs.
The Select Committee on the Status of Boys and Men of Color has been tasked with looking at the inequities that are impacting the life outcomes of BMOC.