Lamont Residents are Invited to Hear and Give Feedback on the Independent Review of LPUD’s Plan B
Lamont and Weedpatch residents who have been working on wastewater issues for five years will finally have a chance to review the findings of an independent study of Lamont Public Utilities District’s (LPUD) plans, and ensure that the study’s recommendations are implemented to protect community health.
When LPUD developed a backup plan for handling wastewater, residents involved with Building Healthy Communities – South Kern (BHC-SK) asked for an independent review of their wastewater handling plans in order to ensure that they would not have a negative impact on the health of the community, as well as the community’s future growth and development. That study has been completed and the community will learn about the findings and be able to give input and recommendations at a community meeting to be held this Tuesday. Currently, LPUD sends more than one million gallons of wastewater to be used to irrigate compost each day.
“Residents and partners involved with BHC-SK have voiced many concerns about LPUD. Many of these concerns have focused on how the wastewater from Lamont is used and the impacts this has on the health of our families, as well as the future growth and development of our communities,” says Jennifer Wood-Slayton, BHC-SK’s Hub Manager.
Please join us on Tuesday January 26 at 5:30pm at the David Head Center in Lamont. After the presentation residents will have the opportunity to give feedback and help prioritize the recommendations to LPUD as the first step in ensuring they are held accountable for handling wastewater in a way that is responsible and supports the health of our communities. Representatives from LPUD and related agencies will be present at the meeting to respond to questions.
BHC-SK is a community initiative comprised of residents, youth, business and organizations who are working to improve community health and initiate systemic change in the areas of education, environment, recreation and health access in the communities of Arvin, Lamont, Weedpatch, and the unincorporated areas of Greenfield. For more information, visit
WHEN: Tuesday, January 26 – 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: David Head Center, 10300 San Diego St., Lamont, Ca.