
Interested in serving the South Kern community? We are seeking nominations to fill positions on Building Healthy Communities-South Kern (BHC-SK) Steering Committee for 2016-2017. The BHC-SK Steering Committee is responsible for oversight of the structures, staffing and support of the BHC-SK work, also known as the HUB.

The Steering Committee is made up of 15 ambassadors who represent each of the four South Kern communities; Arvin, Lamont, Weedpatch, and the unincorporated areas of Greenfield. The elected representatives are responsible for reporting to and bringing information and perspectives from their constituencies as well as to ensure that their individual community’s needs and perspectives are included in discussions and decisions of the BHC-SK HUB.

We are seeking to fill the following positions:  

·         Arvin Youth Representative

·         Arvin Representative

·         Weedpatch Youth Representative

·         Weedpatch Representative

·         Physical Environment Representative

·         Education Representative.

What is the role of the Steering Committee?

The purpose of the Steering Committee is to:

  • Ensure HUB creates a space for and engages the communities of South Kern;
  • Ensures community members set and are partners in implementing BHC-SK goals;
  • Ensures partners working on the BHC-SK Action Plan are accountable and have the support needed for success.

What are the responsibilities of a Steering Committee member?

Each member of the Steering Committee has three duties and ten responsibilities.

Duties of a Steering Committee Member:

  • Duty of Care – Care for the organization as if it were his/her own, and make decisions that are thoughtful.
  • Duty of Loyalty – Act in the best interests of the HUB and community, and when making decisions should put the best interest of those he/she represents above his/her own.
  • Duty of Obedience – Adhere to the plan, purpose and goals of the HUB and community.

Responsibilities of a Steering Committee Member:

  1. Set a purpose, direction, and goals for the HUB.
  2. Provide oversight and direction to HUB staff.
  3. Monitor and strengthen the HUB structures (Steering Committee, Central Table and Action Teams) to ensure that they are meeting the needs of the community and partners for implementing the Action Plan.
  4. Identify additional support needs including training or other methods.
  5. Serve as an ambassador and ensure communication to internal and external audiences.
  6. Work toward consensus; abstain from conflicts of interest.
  7. Ensure the HUB is adhering to legal, moral, and ethical standards and is an organization of integrity.
  8. Attend all Steering Committee and Central Table meetings.  Attend Action Team meetings, special events and others, as needed.  Failure to attend three consecutive Steering Committee results in removal.
  9. Review the agenda, materials, decisions, and issues prior to meetings.
  10. Serve on a sub-committee and take on special assignments as you are able.

Time Required

The Steering Committee meets every month in order to provide oversight and direction for HUB staff and supports.  Members should expect to spend 5-10 hours per month preparing for and attending meetings.

If you are interested in one of these positions or would like to nominate someone please contact Angel Munoz, or 661-845-2724.

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