Sons and Brothers Plan: Through a seven–‐year investment, the California Endowment is addressing the inequities that affect the health and lives of boys and young men of color (BMoC). The current crisis ends with too many of our sons and brothers to dropping out of school, growing up in poverty, and falling short of their promise. In connection with the Building Healthy Communities (BHC) initiative and statewide efforts, the Sons and Brothers Plan seeks to ensure young men can tap into their full potential and be a source of strength, creativity, and economic dynamism for California.
2014 Sons and Brothers Summer Leadership Camp: The California Endowment, Movement Strategy Center, Sierra Nevada Journeys, and Dr. Shawn Ginwright––collectively known as the Camp Leadership Team––are supporting a weeklong Summer Leadership Camp (July 20–26, 2014) for up to 100 boys and young men of color affiliated with Building Healthy Communities sites. The age range for camp participants will be between 15–‐19 years of age.
For more information on the Leadership Camp please see attached flyer 2014 Sons & Brothers Camp Mentor Roles & Responsibilities
and if you are interested in an application, please see it attached 2014 Sons & Brothers Mentor Application